How to pronounce Siobhán, Saoirse, Aoife and 100 other common Irish names with our latest pronunciation guide for NameShouts.
Join us on a virtual tour of the United States by learning how to pronounce these US city and state names, such as Massachusetts, Arkansas and Tucson.
NameShouts has over twenty languages available on our database. But what are the most common languages people are searching for to pronounce names?
There may be less names than the US Primaries, but not everyone will be familiar with the leaders' names in the Canadian Federal Elections. Let us help.
French names are notorious for tricky pronunciations. Luckily, we've used our expertise to put together a signature pronunciation guide.
Tennis names are known around the world: Serena Williams and Roger Federer are legendary athletes. Learn how to pronounce the unfamiliar names in tennis.
The most searched names on our database, and how to pronounce all of them, from Vietnamese to Arabic, to Bengali and more!
Some of the democratic candidates, like Pete Buttigieg, have rather unique names. We'll help you pronounce them.
Pronouncing Nguyen, the most common Vietnamese family name, and other common Vietnamese names including Minh, Huang and Bao.
Respect Jewish Identity by learning to pronounce common Hebrew names, including Ariel, Aviv, Avram, Baruch, Doran, Efraim, Eliyyahu, and more...
Impress your business contacts by getting familiar with these common Persian names, including Reza, Abbas, Shahla, Fatemeh, Behrouz and more.
Visiting a Spanish-speaking country? Here are the most common Spanish names, including Jose, Sergio, Castillo, Garcia, Perez, Juan, Angel and more.
Going to Japan? Get acquainted with these common Japanese names, including Yamamoto, Matsuo, Nakayama, Ishikawa, Takahashi and more.
Pokémon GO has taken the internet by storm in the past few weeks, but some of the names of the titular creatures can be a bit difficult to pronounce.
Anime and manga have become incredibly popular. But anime names are usually in Japanese, even as the stories are translated.
Game of Thrones is an exciting show to talk about. But some of the characters' names can be hard to pronounce. Here's our guide to getting them right!
We talk a lot about other people's names, but what about our own names? Here's the name, and its story, of our team members in 2016.
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